Help Mary get her legs

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1/16/16: One night, in 2007, Mary’s life was changed forever.

Driving to a church choir concert with a number of other college classmates, Mary’s vehicle was involved in a horrendous crash. One friend died, one was brain-damaged, Mary’s legs were crushed, and there were a number of other broken bones and injuries.
The road to recovery has been long and difficult, with many set-backs. Mary was fitted with wooden prosthetic legs, which were unable to flex at the knees. Attending college, she walked stiff-legged and had rely on others to help her up and down steps at college.
The wooden legs eventually snapped and Mary was back to a wheelchair. She completed her degree work in 2011 with a major in computer science and a minor in math. Since 2013 she’s been working as the Providence Home Bread of Life Bakery bookkeeper/accountable.
Mary’s dream is that, one day, she’ll be able to walk again.
Mary provided a short slide show on her journey which, when I have more reliable www, I’ll post to our Ugandan page.
In the meantime, we told her we’d see what we could to share her story. She says, “I think the best prosthetic that can help me walk again are called C-Legs, which have a computerized knee and these are made by a company called Otto-bock in U.S.A and in Germany.”
Please pray for Mary, and share her story with your friends.

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