Little Angels; a light in the darkness

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IMG_3545It’s another muggy predawn on the equator, as children young as six trudge miles down the dusty dirt roads from their local villages and mud huts to the Central Region Ugandan municipality of Nkokonjeru.


The children make this daily trek so they can attend one of the schools in town. Even discounting the trucks and mini-buses flying by in the pitch dark, it’s still a major challenge.


In 1996 Uganda instituted Universal Primary Education (UPE), supposedly making primary school free for everyone. But even free is insurmountable for countless families, many who subsist on a dollar or less a day, as there are still pencils, exercise books, school clothing, lunch, and other expenses.


In addition, a large number of children, orphaned by HIV/AIDS, are cared for by relatives, straining family budgets past the breaking point.


Gender challenges, child labor, early marriage, an absence of motivated teachers, a lack of parental awareness, and the grinding poverty makes the education of Ugandan youth an almost overwhelming proposition. Many children are forced to drop out of school before completing primary school, to say nothing of continuing on to secondary school.


The lack of education dragging Uganda down creates a vicious cycle on a country of 41 million, the youngest on the planet with a median age of 16.


Into the void came Little Angels Catholic Primary School in Nkokonjeru, founded by Margaret Nakirijja the same year UPE was put in place. Starting with a handful of students and a few walls, with the goal of providing an “excellent Catholic and affordable primary school” education, Little Angels has been a shining light in the darkness.


Officially affiliated with the Lugazi Diocese and guided by the Department of Catholic Schools in Uganda, Little Angels has grown to 559 students, about equally divided between boys and girls, from grades P1 to P7.


Partnered with Caritas for Children, the students are thriving. Currently, 46 of the children at Little Angels have Caritas sponsors, the school is highly ranked on annual national exams and as many as 96% of the students continue on to secondary school, most to St. Peter’s Secondary School in Nkokonjeru.


According to Madam Margaret, Caritas has been an invaluable resource to Little Angels.


Through the ongoing one-on-one relationship between a sponsor and a child, the invaluable gift of education and consistent daily nutrition makes it possible for orphans and the very poor to maximize their potential.


With continuing and consistent sponsorship income, Little Angels is growing and raising the standard of living for the children, their families, and the surrounding area.


Margaret is enthused and encouraged by the long-range outlook, and is committed to building “more classrooms, a new latrine, boarding dormitories, and teachers’ quarters”.


Margaret says, “I have bought land across the road so that when I have sufficient funds we can start building and expanding” and added, “I would also like to start a partnership with a local computer lab so our students can start to learn computer skills.”


Little Angels motto of “We are the Future of Tomorrow” is being played out, each day, every day, through the joyous faces of the children, being loved and educated through a Caritas heart.


If you’d like to help make a difference, one child at a time, check it out.

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