Month: March 2015

Beginning the Adventure

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It’s somewhat amusing hearing people’s reaction when you tell them your plans of traveling to Uganda for a three-week discernment; visiting orphanages, organizations and people, with the intent of moving there permanently (two years anyway) to do what we can to help.

We have a general idea of what we want to do but, until we see and experience Uganda first-hand, we don’t know what our focus will be.

The reactions of our friends and family seems to fall into two general categories; excitement that we’re taking the step or trepidation of the possible dangers.

Some people seem happy and excited for what we want to do, and are encouraging and a bit jealous that they don’t have the health, time or resources to do the same thing.

For others, the first words out of their mouth are, “You be careful”.

For a lot (most?) of Americans, the thought of Africa brings to mind Boko Haram, Idi Amin, Ebola, Aids, al Qaeda, famine, etc.

Maybe it’s the same when you think of an African coming to America, and their friends think drugs, gangs, traffic, prices, etc.

What I think none of our friends realize is the immense nature of Africa. The African continent is three times (!!) bigger than the United States. Uganda has, justifiably, the nickname of the Pearl of Africa. The distance from Kampala, Uganda to where Boko Haram is operating is probably the same distance as from Los Angeles to Boston.

We feel we’ll be as safe in Uganda as we are in most places in the USA, and probably a lot safer than many places. Safety is just not a major concern.

What we’re hopefully going to be doing is living out the five-finger gospel of Mother Teresa.

Mother Teresa always told her sisters to remember the “Gospel on Five Fingers.” She would say the words, “You did it for Me,” as she held up each finger of her hand. These words come from the Judgment of the Nations (Matthew 25:31-46) where Jesus tells us that we will be judged by how we treated those who were thirsty or hungry or sick.

With that, God Bless and please pray for us.

Help me help the children

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Over the past six months, I’ve been in steady contact with over two dozen individuals in three African countries (Malawi, Uganda and Nigeria) and am in touch with three orphanages. I’m sponsoring seven grade school children and one Catholic secondary school child. I’ve mailed clothes, shoes, dolls, books, and soccer balls to three separate groups aiding impoverished children. I’ve helped fund-raise for a school, for a handicapped child, and to help feed or keep in school other children in need.

What I’ve done barely scratches the surface of what can be done and in July, I’ll be traveling to Uganda and Malawi for a bit of private missionary work.

Depending on fund-raising results, my plans are to visit the secondary school child I’m sponsoring, check on the three orphanages I’m in contact with, and spend time with some of the Nuns, Priests, and Directors in Malawi and Uganda.

I go with the intent of discerning what I can do next and where we can most help.

Round trip tickets from Dallas, Texas to Entebbe, Uganda are $1500 each and tickets from Uganda to Malawi are $800 each. I need to pay for the tickets by the middle of May.

I will be taking four suitcases filled with clothes, shoes, toys and books. Also, some birthday party supplies, toothbrushes and religious items.

Thank you for helping me help the children.